Nice to meet you! I’m Bea Gold
I am a painter, woodcut artist, avid gardener, community activist, mother of 4 children, grandmother of 5, and great-grandmother of 4. Born in 1927 in New Your City, I attended the Art Student’s League under scholarship during my high school years and beyond.
I relocated to California as a young adult, and lived in the Silver Lake area of Los Angeles for 37 years. I presently live in Encinitas and am a member of the San Diegito Art Guild. I am a member of an international, on-line wood-cut society, Where I take part in woodcut exchanges. I also paint family portraits on commission.
I am recognized as a leader in early childhood education and am the retired Executive Director of a public service, non-profit agency serving families of young children with special needs. I have maintained my public service work since retirement through serving on the boards of the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council, The Silver Lake Art Collective and the Griffith Park Adult Community Center Club.
In 2011 I completed a volume of 36 one-page stories based on my memories of my childhood in the 1930s and 40s. The stories are in the voice of the child and portray the experiences of a young, Jewish, first-generation American girl growing up in old New York.
I combined my art background with my story-telling skills to create a coffee table book with an illustrative painting to accompany each story. Three sets of twelve story/painting combinations were shown in Los Angeles at art exhibits in 2008 and 2009 through the member organization The Silver Lake Art Collective. The complete set is presented in my book, Tell Me A Story.
More Stories From My Life

Goodbye Gigi
Last Night we put Gigi down. Gigi was almost 16 years old and she was so sick. She was lying on her side and every 20 or 30 minutes she’d yip/bark as if in pain. I didn’t know if it was her body hurting her or her mind but it really was time to stop the…

Garlic Soup with Poached Egg * Sopa De Ajo Al Huevo
“It’s nice to have dinner alone! How rare that is.” I said. “It won’t be long till we have that all the time and I bet you’ll hate it” Jack responded. “You’re probably right but it’s still nice tonight. Do you want coffee?” I asked. It was a Saturday night and the children who still…

Birth # 4 – Here Comes the Baby
“Jack, I saw a mouse run across the floor. Help!” I screamed.“You’re imagining it.” Jack replied. He agreed I was right after he opened the play room closet and found a mouse nest in my yarn box. “Jack, I think I have Poison Oak! Look at my finger. You know Allen’s got it!” I point…

Birth #3 – Halloween Baby
On Wednesday, I attended our Silver Lake Neighborhood Council, Board meeting and Jens, a newly elected member of the SLN,C was complaining about the slowness of getting his and Emily’s living arrangements ready for occupancy. I asked how Emily , his pregnant wife and the Chairperson of the SLNC Beautification committe, was doing and Jens…

Birth #2 – This is one is Cory
Jack and I were married in June 1950 and my worries about having a sister or brother for Jana were almost over. We had the goal to get pregnant as soon as we could but we didn’t worry about that happening. “I feel so lucky! I’m finished with school after a hundred years and I…

Four Births – Four Stories – Birth #1
Each of my four births was very different. Jana was the first born and was born to a very ignorant and frightened young woman. My mother had not been any help. She had me and it was a difficult birth and she had a still born boy. The babies’ father, Leon, was also as ignorant…